Using the song "
Willie McBride", as sung by The
Fureys, you may complete one of the following bonus assignments:
Link to
the song as sung by The Fureys and
the link to the lyrics. If these links do not work, then go to
Aftermath of WWI page and scroll to the bottom of the page to find lyrics and songs.
1. Make a
20 to 40 second movie using Windows Movie Maker or a similar program. Use images from today and the Great War for the video with the song as the audio track. You may wish to consult the lyrics so that the images match the song. If you wish you may use another version of the song or create your own.
2. Write an
annotated description of one of the stanzas of the song. This will included references to the terms used in the song and the historical events to which the song refers.
3. Create another option using the song and its lyrics in consultation with the instructor.